The Ruin

Some of the truest and most alien horrors the Ruin inflicts are those that subvert human understanding of the world around them. The chimera are bizarre and grotesque amalgams of various mundane people and animals (and perhaps more...) into forms that combine and agglomerate familiar creatures into monstrosities both tragic and cruel — and immensely dangerous.

The transformation of a person or beast into a chimera happens over an extended amount of time, depending on the potency of the Ruin at work. Every individual chimera is its own creature the Ruin has befouled in the vicinity and called into mutual presence.


Manifestations of the Ruin are many, but as a phenomenon, the Ruin afflicts people and objects, befouling living creatures and extending its presence in a corroding world. Whether displaying its preternatural force or compelling the actions of those it touches, the Ruin is perniscious and inexorable.


Some inhabitants confront the Ruin head on, trying to hold it back with alcohol or fire — the only known means of destruction — but many realize efforts to eliminate it are a lost cause. Instead, they devote themselves to their passions, relationships, and social obligations rather than futile opposition against an inevitable end.